Wayve (free)

Wayve (free) Screen Shot 0Wayve (free) Screen Shot 1Wayve (free) Screen Shot 2Wayve (free) Screen Shot 3

Wayve (free)

IMPORTANT: While this application runs perfectly fine on almost all devices, we are aware that there is currently a bug which shows a mostly blank screen on Samsung S3s and some other (mostly very low-end) devices. We are currently working on a fix. --------------- Wayve is a game which combines the fun of Match-3 style games with a color changing mechanic to create a unique (and at times quite challenging) puzzle experience! Solve levels by finding the exact placement of your available colored pieces to clear the entire board. Comes with 75 levels, with more in the works. Can you solve them all? --------------- Wayve is played by placing colored pieces on a hexagonal grid so that at least three pieces stick together in a cluster, which will then disappear and cycle the color of adjacent pieces around them. You have a limited set of pieces you need to place in a given order, with the task to clear the entire board. IF YOU FIND A BUG OR HAVE TROUBLE STARTING THE APPLICATION, CONTACT SUPPORT. (the rating section is not meant for bug reports!) --------------- UPDATE 2014-05-26: texture fix UPDATE 2014-05-18: 25 new levels and a few small bugfixes UPDATE 2014-05-11: fixed bug where uninstalling one version would delete the progress of the other. UPDATE 2014-05-10: added save file synchronisation between free and paid version. If install fails, try uninstalling the old version first. --------------- Ad free version at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.rainforce15.wayve ...And yes, all of them are solvable. (if you feel the urge to write me "your game sucks!" please include WHY, I might actually be able to improve it if your reasoning is sound)


version 1.1b
some more texture fixes


  • ID:net.rainforce15.wayve_free
  • အမျိုးအစား:Puzzle
  • အသစ်ပြောင်းခြင်း:2014-06-05
  • ထင်မြင်ချက်:1.1b
  • လိုအပ်သည်:Android 2.3