Golden Empire Casino - Slots

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Golden Empire Casino - Slots

Experience the authentic Vegas experience on Facebook with Golden Empire Casino! Combining the popular casino classics slots of Bally Wulff and Gamomat with stunning graphics, Golden Empire Casino offers the big wins and excitement of a real-life casino in your own home! With FREE mystery gifts every day, regular sales on coin purchases and big win payouts, join the Golden Empire Casino today and become casino royalty! Features include: - FREE to Play, every Day! - FREE coins every day, fan bonuses, sales, and more! - Play “King Of The Jungle”, “King & Queen” and more popular video SLOTS from renowned brand Bally Wulff and Gamomat - Login with your Facebook account, or play the full game as a Guest - Jackpots and big wins await you at every moment - Exceptionally high quality graphics - Superb music and sound effects as well as full screen mode to ensure you can kick back, relax, and watch your big wins pour in - Intricate and interactive bonus games on all slot machines - First class customer service - Sales and discounts on all coin packages regularly - Play with your friends and send and receive free spins and free coins - Race against your friends to the top of the in-game leaderboard - Find something NEW every week


version 1.2.18
- speed improvements for a smooth gaming experience - various bug fixes - new User Interface - new Slot Machine v1.2.18


  • အမျိုးအစား:Casino
  • အသစ်ပြောင်းခြင်း:2015-03-10
  • ထင်မြင်ချက်:1.2.18
  • လိုအပ်သည်:Android 2.3