Elisa in Dream Music School - Edukasi Visual Novel

Elisa in Dream Music School - Edukasi Visual Novel Screen Shot 0Elisa in Dream Music School - Edukasi Visual Novel Screen Shot 1Elisa in Dream Music School - Edukasi Visual Novel Screen Shot 2Elisa in Dream Music School - Edukasi Visual Novel Screen Shot 3Elisa in Dream Music School - Edukasi Visual Novel Screen Shot 4Elisa in Dream Music School - Edukasi Visual Novel Screen Shot 5Elisa in Dream Music School - Edukasi Visual Novel Screen Shot 6Elisa in Dream Music School - Edukasi Visual Novel Screen Shot 7Elisa in Dream Music School - Edukasi Visual Novel Screen Shot 8Elisa in Dream Music School - Edukasi Visual Novel Screen Shot 9

Elisa in Dream Music School - Edukasi Visual Novel

Elisa in Dream Music School adalah sebuah game edukasi dengan konsep Viusal Novel yang dikembangkan sebagai media pembelajaran seni musik pada siswa SMA untuk mengenal alat musik orkestra. Game ini cocok digunakan sebagai penugasan siswa baik mengerjakan secara WFH (Work from Home) atau tatap muka. Screen plot terakhir digunakan sebagai bukti bahwa siswa telah mengerjakan game hingga selesai. Terima kasih sudah bermain game Visual Novel ini. Semoga game ini dapat mengedukasi pembelajaran Seni Musik tentunya pada materi mengenal alat musik orkestra. Download game ini secara gratis. Segala aset dalam game ini menggunakan aset yang dibuat developer sendiri dan aset dari sumber - sumber yang bebas untuk digunakan. Supprt atau dukungan kalian akan sangat berarti bagi kami para pengembang game Elisa in Dream Music School. Synopsis : Elisa adalah seorang siswa SMA yang sering ijin meninggalkan pelajaran. Ia bahkan sampai lupa bahwa besok ada ujian seni musik, padahal ia sudah diperingatkan gurunya kalau nilai rapotnya akan jadi merah bila ujian mendapat nilai yang jelek. Pada malam hari Elisa mulai belajar, namun ia bosan dengan materi yang harus dibaca sehingga ia ketiduran. Sewaktu Elisa tertidur Dewa Aika membawa Elisa pada dunia pararel, yaitu Dream Music School. Dewa Aika menyuruh Elisa mengumpulkan seluruh alat musik orkestra sebelum matahari terbenam. Bila tidak Elisa akan terjebak di dunia tersebut selamanya.Bagaimanakah Elisa berusaha mengumpulkan alat musik yang tidak ia ketahui dari temannya? Inilah Elisa in Dream Music School. Tentunya masih banyak kekurangan yang ditemukan dalam game, oleh karena itu masukan kritik dan saran perbaikan dapat menghubungi kontak yang tertera. Elisa in Dream Music School is an educational game with the concept of Viusal Novel which was developed as a medium for learning the art of music in high school students to get to know an orchestra instrument. This game is suitable to be used as an assignment for students to work on WFH (Work from Home) or face to face. The last screen plot is used as proof that the student has been working on the game to finish. Thank you for playing this Visual Novel game. Hopefully this game can educate Music Art learning, of course, on the material to know orchestral musical instruments. Download this game for free. All assets in this game use the assets created by the developers themselves and assets from sources that are free to use. Your support or support will mean a lot to us Elisa in Dream Music School game developers. Synopsis: Elisa is a high school student who often gets permission to leave class. He even forgot that there was a music art exam tomorrow, even though he had been warned by his teacher that his rapport grades would turn red if the test got bad grades. At night Elisa began to study, but she was bored with the material that had to be read so she fell asleep. When Elisa fell asleep God Aika brought Elisa to the parallel world, the Dream Music School. Lord Aika told Elisa to collect all the orchestra instruments before sunset. If not Elisa will be stuck in that world forever. How does Elisa try to collect musical instruments that she does not know from her friends? This is Elisa in Dream Music School. Of course there are still many shortcomings found in the game, therefore input criticism and suggestions for improvement can contact the contact listed.

새로운 기능

version 1.0
- Fix Bugs - Indoneisan Languages - Adjust Entire Screen


  • ID:elisain.dream.musicschool
  • 업데이트 됨:2020-05-07
  • 버전:1.0
  • 요구:Android 4.0
  • 사용 가능한:Google Play
  • 파일 크기:87.3M