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Find words by swapping letters on the board. Rules: - swap letters next to or above each other until you find a word vertically or horizontally - longer words and less frequent letters are worth more points - if you're stuck, clear out 3 or more of the same letters: QQQ, QQQQ, etc. - find as many words as you can in three minutes This is a free app supported by ads. You can unlock the ad-free version from within the app for a small one-time fee via-app purchase. Design and concept by D'Factory ( http://dfactory.co ) ________________________________________ Please rate Let'Mix 5 stars in the market, so we can continue adding new features. Already a fan of the app? Follow us online for news, tips and freebies: ★ Twitter: http://twitter.com/zenfield ★ Newsletter: http://zenfield.com/subscribe.html
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version 1.1


  • ID:com.zenfield.letmix
  • Category:Puzzle
  • Updated:2013-10-08
  • Version:1.1
  • Requires:Android 2.2